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Break Free From Monolithic Platforms:

Discover the Benefits of Commerce 3.0

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  • Report
  • 12 min read
  • Nov 1, 2023
Daniel Berger
Daniel Berger

Vice President, Enterprise Solutions

"Break free from monolithic platforms: Discover the benefits of Commerce 3.0." Apply Digital and commercetools's logos appear in the upper left corner. The commercetools award badges for Partner of the Year 2021and 2022 appear in the upper right corner.
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commercetools logo in full color

You’re familiar with eCommerce, but do you recognize the importance of creating seamless customer experiences with modern tech?

Unlike Commerce 1.0 and 2.0, which operate on monolithic infrastructure, Commerce 3.0 leverages composable tech to deliver autonomy and control over platform functionality. In collaboration with MACH-aligned partners like commercetools, Apply Digital is helping businesses adopt this powerful tech stack — improving operational efficiency and delivering high-quality customer experiences. If you’re unsure where to start and want to learn more, our report Break Free From Monolithic Platforms: Discover the Benefits of Commerce 3.0 will take you on a journey through the three ages of commerce:


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