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Making the Case for Digital Change

A Guide for B2B Manufacturers and Distributors

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  • Report
  • 15 min read
  • Oct 04, 2023
Serge Albohayre
Serge Albohayre

Head of Business Development and Partnerships EMEA

"Making the Case for Digital Change: A Guide for B2B Manufacturers and Distributors"
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Commercetools logo in black text with green, orange, grey squares. Algolia logo in bright blue. Akeneo logo in black, with the tail fin illustration in purple. Contentstack logo in black, with the illustration in red.

Decided that a digital change project is worth doing?

That’s the important first step. Next, you’ll face two challenges: securing executive buy-in, and demonstrating clear business value. In this in-depth report, we break down how to tackle both of these issues:


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The number 7 appears in purple on the left hand of the image. The text reads, "7 consejos para armar tu caso a favor del cambio digital en B2B."