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The Cookieless Revolution

Exclusive Data on How Businesses and Consumers are Adapting

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  • Report
  • 15 MIN READ
  • Oct 10, 2024

It’s time to prioritize first-party data

Being data-smart will be key as you transition away from third-party cookies towards first-party data. Apply Digital’s in-depth survey spoke with over 100 UK senior decision-makers and more than 2000 web users, with findings showing that while the majority of companies are already transitioning to first-party data (1PD), only a small percentage feel they face no barriers to building 1PD strategies.

In our research report, you’ll gain valuable insights that will guide your strategic thinking, help build trust with your customers, and enable you to leverage your data more effectively.

From the report:


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Cookie-less Future OG Image
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Adoptando el futuro cookieless: cómo los retailers se pueden adaptar al fin de los third-party cookies

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