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Digital Change Masterclass Winter Series

Watch this webinar series to find out how to successfully pursue digital change initiatives at your organization.

Watch webinar
Commercetools logo in dark grey. Contentstack logo in dark grey. Algolia logo in dark grey. Vercel logo in dark grey.

Learning outcomes

Our Digital Change Masterclass Series provides the practical tools you need to make digital change happen. Over three modules, you'll learn how to:

Frame the business need

Align your digital change initiative with your company's strategic and business goals.

Build a logical plan

Create a winning plan that makes business sense and gets buy-in.

Rally the right people

Get key decision makers onside with a practical, proven approach.

Featured experts

Matt Gould

Chief Commerce Officer

Watch the recordings

Apply Digital connected thinking glyph

Somos tu partner

Juntos, podemos entregar soluciones innovadoras y potenciarte en tu viaje hacia la transformación digital.
