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Meet Your Vice President of Enterprise Solutions - Commerce, David Jockin

  • Company update
  • 4 MIN READ
  • May 17, 2024


As we continue to grow our footprint, we recognize the need for new senior leadership roles that will help us better serve our clients and partners within our expanding ecosystem.

We’re pleased to welcome David Jockin to Apply Digital, who brings over twenty-five years of experience leading delivery teams on complex engagements — many at leading consultancies. As Vice President, Enterprise Solutions - Commerce, he’ll work in collaboration with our global team and partners to drive impact for clients like Mirion, Princess Auto, and the NBA.

David sat down with us to share a little bit about his new role and how he’ll work in collaboration with our global team and partners to drive impact for clients.

David Jockin has dark hair and wears black-rimmed glasses.

Apply Digital:

What drew you toward enterprise solutions as a field of study? Did your personal interests inform your career path?

David Jockin:

I love problem-solving. Whether it’s fixing cars or things around the house (or even building a house), I like to deconstruct problems and find solutions. This passion led me to work directly with customers — I’m more interested in solving their problems than anything else.

Early in my career, I also worked at a help desk, which helped me understand the importance of finding solutions quickly, while developing crucial soft skills. It’s important to recognize that the person you’re speaking to may not have the breadth of knowledge you do. In many ways, my help desk experience was crucial in further preparing me for solving the more complex enterprise problems of today. No matter how big or small a problem is, I enjoy looking at it holistically to determine a solution and strategic path forward.

Apply Digital:

You bring over 15 years of experience, with a specific interest in digital transformation and customer experience. How will you drive value for Apply Digital’s clients and partners?

David Jockin:

My extensive management consulting, leadership, and process-building background will be how I drive value for Apply Digital’s clients and partners. During that work, I’ll also be able to help the team from a mentorship perspective, showcasing how taking a big-picture perspective can generate better outcomes than siloed thinking. By taking a more holistic perspective of problems, we can also find more integrated ways of working with clients.

While we are very intentional about our mission to serve clients at Apply Digital, there may be opportunities to spread that broad thinking beyond leadership roles and throughout teams at every level. In other words, my ability to merge technical expertise, leadership, and client-facing skills will be the main driver of value.

Apply Digital:

What’s unique about your role as VP of Enterprise Solutions, Commerce? Although the company has similar roles, your commerce expertise is highlighted.

David Jockin:

I’ve worked in the commerce industry since day one; from infrastructure to software development. As a result, I’ve also worked in the eCommerce business since the beginning — I’m simply a specialist. That being said, I’ve seen, worked with, and implemented almost every platform during my work with Fortune 500 companies in diverse industries. From sports and entertainment to retail, I’ve been working with customers to identify opportunities for digital transformation and leveraging commerce platforms during the process.

When people are online, they generally do two things: shop or look at content. But it’s important to remember commerce isn’t just about selling digital products. It’s also about selling physical products online in a commerce setting, and bringing a product online requires multiple platforms, like a PIM and ERP. Today, we're seeing the next frontier of commerce as integrations evolve to include gaming platforms like Roblox and devices like Apple Vision. As we move forward, these innovations will be even more in focus, and it’s important to adapt in response.

Congratulations again to David; we look forward to serving our clients better wherever they are. To connect with David or learn more about Apply Digital, please reach out to us at

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