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How we work

Welcome to CAFE: Composable Accelerator for Enterprises

CAFE is how we quickly integrate reliable API-driven composable infrastructure with your existing system and shorten time-to-value.

What is CAFE?

CAFE is Apply Digital’s Composable Accelerator for Enterprises. We use it to help clients accelerate their projects — it’s a way of working and a flexible, pre-built suite of tools and integrations designed to speed up the development of custom composable solutions.

How CAFE positions your business for success

Achieve your ROI

CAFE is built on years of experience and over 300 successful composable projects. We help you hit your targets, show results, and reach your ROI.

Hit your MVP deadline

Accelerate your speed-to-market with a customized, no-boilerplate solution that fits your needs. Get your scaffolding live in 8 weeks instead of 6 months.

From sandbox to live in record time

Iterate, experiment, and enhance your digital experience in a secure, documented ecosystem. Find out what works for your business in fewer steps.

Get internal buy-in

Our collaborative, transparent approach ensures you are empowered with all the information about the solution — an important consideration for decision makers.

Save time and reduce decision-making fatigue

We bring all our experience to CAFE so you can skip worrying about architectural decisions. You can focus on features, not commodities, and save time and effort with our proven approach.

Reduce risks

Typical integration processes can be time consuming and risky. Our CAFE accelerator is based on years of knowledge and over 300 successful composable projects, meaning you benefit from a proven approach that enables you to scale quickly and reliably.

How it works

Our accelerator enables businesses to quickly scale up operations with a modular, cost-effective approach.

You tell us your objectives, we deliver the solution to meet them — fast.

Composable Accelerator For Enterprises
Key features:


Based on composable technology

Designed to work with your entire architecture

Flexible and customizable

Based on industry best practices

A mockup of a commerce store and how composable platforms help build webpages.

Supported tech:

Netlify logo in dark grey. Commercetools logo in dark grey. Contentful logo in dark grey.

Designed to support fast growth, CAFE brings the flexible power of composable tech to your organization.

The Apply Digital edge

Our team of digital strategy experts work with you to ensure that all teams are working in alignment towards a common goal. By asking the right questions and having the right people at the table, we make sure our clients are making informed decisions that ladder up to their company goals — an approach we call “connected thinking, connected results.”

We deliver value for your business from day one, with solutions that are road-tested, secure, and resilient. No matter your current tech stack, we use the CAFE accelerator to help you quickly achieve your business goals.

A log-in screen for a composable tech platform that manages a commerce business's website.

Hear what our partners have to say

CAFE represents the best practices of how global brands can leverage the power of our leading composable commerce platform to create modern commerce experiences for their customers. CAFE’s proven approach also makes integration with other systems in the composable tech universe simple and fast, ultimately enabling businesses to harness the benefits of composable commerce quicker.

Blaine Trainor Vice President of Global Partnerships & Alliances at commercetools

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